
Showing posts from June, 2022

A Real Shit Show

I'm 45. I thought I was 41 for two years and that set me back a bit but I've run the numbers and unless we are  sliding into a singularity, time should be holding up putting me looking down the barrels of year 46 come September. So. It's time for the butt stuff... no, not anal play , I'm talking colonoscopy.  MyChart gave me a one-click option to schedule what seems to be a $300 out-of-pocket visit during which we discussed my health (more focused on my mental health tbh) and I was presented with two options going forward with my behind. Option One: schedule a colonoscopy with Maine Gastro. Option Two: take a poop envelope home and supply a sample (brain registers this as a poo-velope , snickers ensue). Not rocket science here. Quite the opposite, thank God. Not a ton of fun, but not that much of a big deal... they supply a biodegradable sheet of paper for you to set in the toilet bowl and void upon, as well as a plastic receptacle with a removable stick to swab (and &q