Plug your fucking kids’ ears

 I'm blessed to have a great summer gig at a local music venue. It's my fifth season going as I write this and I'm gonna be obscure about location and talent as I absolutely fucking LOVE this job and on the random and arguably off chance that my words put some kind of bad karma out there pertaining to my or others experiences as unsaid venue, well, I guess I'd be upset if it came back to me, so this is to appease those dark gods. 

In the years I've been on board here, I've seen the concerts and festivals sell out time and again with a huge portion of ticket sales going to families - like mom, dad, kids being all packed up and toted around for shows that have a very heavy lean on substance-misuse. 

My first concert was AC/DC, the Blow Up Your Video Tour, google for the year. I was young. I ended up close to front row and I sure didn't have any protection for my ears at all. I remember the cannons set up for Those About to Rock and how they blasted me near deaf for a week after that show. I've been to hundreds of shows since I guess and I don't think I've used earplugs once.

I have undoubtedly done damage to my hearing.

I know what I'm talking about when I say that these parents (most of them) need a fucking wake up call.

I've seen on multiple occasions at several shows children crying with their hands thrust over their ears. Young ones too small to even ask for a reprieve beyond shrieking in pain. Fucking SHRIEKING. 

I'm a mandated reporter. 

I am conflicted on this for obvious reasons and I have no means of adequately ringing anyone's bell over what I see as blatant abuse - and I'm not sure if I have any right to either.

Anyhow. Wanted to offer that to the universe. 

I'm SO fucking sorry for these kids. They're being socialized in a drug-friendly environment, that's a concern, but they're also being exposed to irreparable damage and nobody gives a fuck.

I'll also say that when I see a kiddo with earmuffs on, I thank the accompanying parent, but this positive reinforcement isn't fixing eardrums.


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