
 Last year I had the opportunity to participate in a burlesque show to commemorate VD- I didn't catch any we just wanted to get a bunch of folks together who seemed like we might need our shots - just kidding, it was Valentines' Day and it seemed like fun.

A few months ago, I heard from my friend who invited me to work last year's show - this year we would be in Auburn, otherwise same gig. 

We had a dress rehearsal, which was a month ago or so, and which we just sat through as she didn't feel the need to prepare, and provided me the opportunity to meet the folks performing and responsible for the show itself - was pretty cool - and my friend left it that we would rehearse before the show, supposed to happen last weekend but due to a scheduling snafu at her job, she had to cancel- and I didn't think more of it. 

...Until yesterday afternoon when her boyfriend messaged me to let me know that she had mistakenly thought the show was tomorrow (Saturday) and not in three hours from the time I received the call.

Mind you I was not scheduled to perform just collect clothes and tips, and we had discussed a routine involving a chair and potentially some fake blood - but that was all in the rear-view as her boyfriend also informed me that she wasn't going to be able to make it and it would be fine if I still wanted to go, and here's the FaceBook profile for the person producing the show.


So. I friend requested the producer, shot her a DM asking for the address (understanding had been that I was riding tailcoats to include a ride to and from Auburn), follow up DM asking about parking info and an apology for my lack of preparedness.

I booked out of work earl(ier) than I had anticipated, scrapped plan for a gym workout (cardo) and subbed a quickish and frosty 2 miles run around town. 

Shat, showered, shaved. 

Found black bikini briefs - black tank top - black shorts. Grabbed a water bottle and a bag of gummies and hit the road for Auburn.

Show was pretty much seamless - one drunk chicky in the front really wanted to touch me. Like a lot. But I got to spank her so it worked itself out. 

Was home by 11p.

Here I am at the pantry, close to 8 and ready to go. I spent today drilling for the CADC - finally found a goddamn site that *seems* to have valid questions - 150 of them in random order with the answers jostled a bit. I've been through once now and I was at - shit you not one fucking bit - on 137/150 questions when the "site crashed" refreshing to question number one.

Not a huge loss as they're reviewed as you go, so I realized that I was doing okay but not great, and I'm mostly irritated by the anti-climatic nature of pouring like 3 hours (spaced out) into a project and having it ethereized through no fault of my own.

Makes me think the cookies inserted here cause a timeout after 135 questions because: Fuck You Pay Me - but that would be conspiratorial, wouldn't it?

I need to hike tomorrow. Shooting for Starr King and Waumbek I guess for 3/52WAV. 

God willing I'll be eaten by mountain yetis.


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